
I believe in love, and I believe in laughing and laughing as much as you can. You have to! It’s the only way to survive and get to the next place we’re going. And I hope more than anything that each human I encounter always gets to where they’re going or where they want to be. What if we all just got better cheering one another along the way, imagine what kind of place this world could be.

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Sarah Ceballos
Full Circle

No matter how much I want to save the world, I also recognize that change begins with me and I strive to be better than who I’ve been and always keep love in my heart. More importantly, may I always remind myself that when life gets overwhelming and challenging, all will come full circle and I must keep pressing forward, its the only way to survive. One foot in front of the other. Besides progress no matter how slow is still progress.

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Sarah Ceballos
Systems & Re-Wiring

I have learned above all else it’s about patience. Patience with the process and yourself. And even patience with healing. In the words of Jacob Riis, “When nothing seems to help I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at a rock, perhaps a hundred without so much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow, it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.”

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Let's Get Loud

We’ve made progress, yes, but we have work to do! And in the words of a woman, I so greatly admire, Ms. Jennifer Lopez and of course one of the world’s most beautiful women is Latina like me, “Let’s Get Loud…Ain't nobody gotta tell ya what you gotta do. If you wanna live your life, live it all the way and don't you waste it…LET’S GET LOUD!”

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Whoever may be reading this, I see you and I get you my brother/sister/friend (whichever label works for you, ps: I hate labels) and we’re in this together. I’ve reached the point of my life where yes I want to be challenged and questioned. I want to stare my fears in the face and do things that scare me, why? Because it’s the only way out or the only way in which (I have found) that we grow.

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Better Days

I promise that everything you could ever want is on the other side of this. I also need to remind myself of this too. More than anything you MUST stay in love, love with life, in love with yourself! Yes, it is the harder choice and it is easier to abandon ship and run away from the pain, run away from the difficulty or run away from confronting yourself. But why not upgrade? Why not choose differently?

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Self Love Isn’t Selfish

Spend some time today loving the you that you are! Just let in love, receive it. In the words of Carrie Bradshaw, “If you find someone to love the you that you love, well then that’s just fabulous!” Believe that all that you’re seeking is seeking you too! Believe it’ll all work out (and it always does!) for our greatest good. Love comes more naturally than hate and love is always the answer! Be gentle with yourselves and re-set and re-start as many times as you need to!

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Life's Duality

And at this moment, when I think about life’s unknowns or how much I want to be reactive to certain things, it serves me no good. I could instead spend that energy on things that are working out, the things that are going right in my life. For if we search for what we’re looking for, we usually find that we have MORE than enough. I choose to surround myself with those that want to be surrounded by me.

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It’s going to work out, it always gets better and you’ll get to where you need to be in due time. TRUST that. I don’t know who I’m writing for but there will come a day when you’ll look back and realize that your dreams are no longer dreams, in fact, they will become reality. What are you speaking over yourself?

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New Stride

This stops now. Let people be who they are, you can either accept it or not, but DON’T you dare dim someone else’s light just because you can’t handle it. If something irks you about them, then perhaps look inside and figure out what needs to change within. Often there is our answer when something bothers us. I’ve also learned that how people meet us is in direct correlation to how much they’ve met or dealt with themselves.

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Life's Surprises

I’m happy going through my day-to-day. Wrong. If I’m not being challenged or things to change often, I get bored and fast. It occurred to me a while ago, that those years without acting were years where my life felt grey. The arts color my world. Is life easy? Ha. Absolutely not, but a life that is made easy all the time I’m convinced is not a life worth living.

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The Unknown

I have learned that sometimes God or the universe leaves out all the details on purpose. If we knew everything we would never need faith. I’ve also mentioned this before in previous blogs where I beg the question, “how boring would life be if we always knew what was coming?”.

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