The Unknown

In the interest of leadership, and life, a huge component towards leading a balanced life, for me anyway is spirituality. I would be lost and quite frankly nothing without my faith. I was spending time with my creator this morning and I was thinking about all that lays behind me and I just have to thank God/the universe for what’s to come, for what’s to come is surely better than what no longer serves us. How great is it that God or for the non-faith type, the universe loves us SO much that even when we stumble, there is already a re-reroute in progress to get us back on track?

It’s always interesting to me, that often when I ask God/the universe to move and he/it does and then I’m often asking “wait this isn’t what I asked for?” Are you laughing right now? I totally am. I often cling to narratives or images of how I think life should go out of fear or based on old definitions or old ways of being when in reality it’s old programming or my own vision is perhaps too limiting. That’s when it occurred to me that as painful as 2020 was, it was also the beginning or birthing of something beautiful to come. I’m human and fear will always be there and if there’s anything that my life as an actor has taught me is to feel the fear and do it anyway. Thank goodness there will always be something to move us when we don’t. God/the universe loves us too much to stay the same. Stagnation is the enemy of growth.

I have learned that sometimes God or the universe leaves out all the details on purpose. If we knew everything we would never need faith. I’ve also mentioned this before in previous blogs where I beg the question, “how boring would life be if we always knew what was coming?”. Think about how much stress we place on ourselves by trying to control everything or always operate with a game plan. And yes goals, plans, and all of that jazz are beautiful but if we keep our vision in front of us and not be moved by circumstances or those life hiccups, it makes it that much easier to get to where and who we’re supposed to be. Besides nothing in life is ever wasted. Bad day, we learn and I would argue even more perhaps than when we get it right. Good day, even better so there is always a reason to celebrate our humanity.

I’ve had folks come to me recently in confidence with what’s going on in their lives and I’m honored with that trust. So I write for them, or anyone else that may need encouragement. If I’m being honest, I perhaps need it too. We must continue to remember that life isn’t always that obvious and it is in the unknown or times of confusion where the magic happens. Besides God/the universe doesn’t always restore us the way things exactly were because we’re not those individuals anymore, we are a new creation every single day. One step closer to where we’re going. We MUST press forward boldly in faith without all the facts, trophies, or even accolades, we have to celebrate right now.

MLK Day is tomorrow, I also write to pay homage to a man I so deeply admire. A man with so much courage and conviction and faith in humanity. A man that continues to inspire me to press forward in love. It would be easy to cling to the past, or to celebrate ONLY when we’re winning. However, we must also celebrate the unknown, maybe even more than when we’re winning. “Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think…if you can’t fly then run if you can’t run then walk if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward…the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy’ (MLK Jr., n.d.). Additionally, while the state of our affairs which includes but is not limited to political affairs, but in matters of the heart or wherever you’re at, let us “chose to stick with love, hate is too great a burden to bear” (MLK Jr., n.d.).

Happy Sunday, take some time to celebrate all that you are and all that you will become. It’s exciting. Let’s be brave and give way to the unknown or the difficulties of life, that is how our character and resilience is built! so friends, in order to enjoy our mountain tops, we must also enjoy and celebrate our valleys too!

Sending so much love and light to you and yours!


Dr. S.

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