Posts in Artist Life
The Greys

I don’t understand why society says we have to be this or that, or why it has to be black or white. What is wrong with grey? I’m not great at living in the greys of life but I do appreciate them, and dare I say it, I am growing fond of the grey. It means that the best is still yet to come and I can yell “plot twist” and re-write my story at any given moment.

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Whoever may be reading this, I see you and I get you my brother/sister/friend (whichever label works for you, ps: I hate labels) and we’re in this together. I’ve reached the point of my life where yes I want to be challenged and questioned. I want to stare my fears in the face and do things that scare me, why? Because it’s the only way out or the only way in which (I have found) that we grow.

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Life's Duality

And at this moment, when I think about life’s unknowns or how much I want to be reactive to certain things, it serves me no good. I could instead spend that energy on things that are working out, the things that are going right in my life. For if we search for what we’re looking for, we usually find that we have MORE than enough. I choose to surround myself with those that want to be surrounded by me.

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Life's Surprises

I’m happy going through my day-to-day. Wrong. If I’m not being challenged or things to change often, I get bored and fast. It occurred to me a while ago, that those years without acting were years where my life felt grey. The arts color my world. Is life easy? Ha. Absolutely not, but a life that is made easy all the time I’m convinced is not a life worth living.

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