There’s no where else I’d rather be. I wasn’t born here and as I look back on my life and reflect on how I got here, I’m in disbelief at times. Some New Yorkers are born here, and some are made here. I don’t need 10 years for someone to tell me that I AM a New Yorker, because this was always who I was meant to be.
Read MoreI don’t understand why society says we have to be this or that, or why it has to be black or white. What is wrong with grey? I’m not great at living in the greys of life but I do appreciate them, and dare I say it, I am growing fond of the grey. It means that the best is still yet to come and I can yell “plot twist” and re-write my story at any given moment.
Read MoreDespite all that I have been through I am almost certain that there will be other obstacles for me to overcome and I GET TO experience it all. It’s a privilege to be alive and I’m HERE for it!
Read MoreI don’t know how we got to this notion of having to have it all figured out in T-minus 30 seconds. Some of the precedents we model our lives after are a bit unrealistic when we should model our lives on what works for us, not society or an entity. All I know is, that whatever comes, I am so ready for it!
Read MoreI just have a really good feeling about 2024, it’s comforting to know that whatever I am lacking there is hope. There is the belief in the better of tomorrow. I CAN’T wait!
Read MoreI used to think it was my purpose to heal the world, I have learned and as cliche as it sounds, I really only had to heal myself so I can get back to a place of love, love for myself and love for others.
As I travel back to “The States” as the Brits say, I will take with me the fondest memories of this place and while it pains me to say goodbye for now, I am glad I did this for myself.
Read MoreAdulthood is funny though, that’s for sure. In a way, I do feel like I’m regressing. I’m having more fun & feeling more fulfilled and comfortable in this skin. My body on the other hand has sent me some warning signs, still, I’m grateful. If only life came with a manual or some sort of guidebook, but then again I’ve never really followed the rules per se, I’ve always made my own.
Read MoreI promise that everything you could ever want is on the other side of this. I also need to remind myself of this too. More than anything you MUST stay in love, love with life, in love with yourself! Yes, it is the harder choice and it is easier to abandon ship and run away from the pain, run away from the difficulty or run away from confronting yourself. But why not upgrade? Why not choose differently?
Read MoreIt’s going to work out, it always gets better and you’ll get to where you need to be in due time. TRUST that. I don’t know who I’m writing for but there will come a day when you’ll look back and realize that your dreams are no longer dreams, in fact, they will become reality. What are you speaking over yourself?
Read MoreThis stops now. Let people be who they are, you can either accept it or not, but DON’T you dare dim someone else’s light just because you can’t handle it. If something irks you about them, then perhaps look inside and figure out what needs to change within. Often there is our answer when something bothers us. I’ve also learned that how people meet us is in direct correlation to how much they’ve met or dealt with themselves.
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