Posts in Self-love
Find the Love

It would be easy to shrink back in fear or act out of temporary emotion, which usually our default as humans is anger. Still, I will always advocate for finding the love, no matter how hard it gets. Now perhaps more than ever in today’s crazy world, we must always find the love. Love for ourselves first, and then love for others.

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Sweet Sorrow

I used to think it was my purpose to heal the world, I have learned and as cliche as it sounds, I really only had to heal myself so I can get back to a place of love, love for myself and love for others.

As I travel back to “The States” as the Brits say, I will take with me the fondest memories of this place and while it pains me to say goodbye for now, I am glad I did this for myself.

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Is Youth Wasted on the Young?

Adulthood is funny though, that’s for sure. In a way, I do feel like I’m regressing. I’m having more fun & feeling more fulfilled and comfortable in this skin. My body on the other hand has sent me some warning signs, still, I’m grateful. If only life came with a manual or some sort of guidebook, but then again I’ve never really followed the rules per se, I’ve always made my own.

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Divine Timing

All of which I write in hopes that this also helps you to trust the divine timing of your life. Yes, life is messy as I have previously mentioned in my other posts but to quote Yung Pueblo (2022), “Maturity is when you’re able to finally ride the ups and downs of life without getting tossed around by them. You don’t expect everything to be perfect, you know change is a constant, you don’t judge yourself when times get hard and you live in gratitude and you enjoy the good when it’s here”.

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Dear Younger Me

It’s not your fault. You were doing the best that you could with the circumstances of life that were dealt to you. You are precious, you were and are perfect just the way God made you. You are light, you are love and you are life itself regardless of your mistakes.

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Systems & Re-Wiring

I have learned above all else it’s about patience. Patience with the process and yourself. And even patience with healing. In the words of Jacob Riis, “When nothing seems to help I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at a rock, perhaps a hundred without so much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow, it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.”

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Self Love Isn’t Selfish

Spend some time today loving the you that you are! Just let in love, receive it. In the words of Carrie Bradshaw, “If you find someone to love the you that you love, well then that’s just fabulous!” Believe that all that you’re seeking is seeking you too! Believe it’ll all work out (and it always does!) for our greatest good. Love comes more naturally than hate and love is always the answer! Be gentle with yourselves and re-set and re-start as many times as you need to!

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