Is it just me or do you too constantly feel like life seems to throw you one wrench after another?

I often feel like God has forsaken me simply because everyone else seems to prosper around me. It’s not that I’m not happy for them, I am more than happy to see others around me succeed. I am slowly learning that “comparison is the thief of all joy.” At first, it didn’t seem to bother me, especially when those my age are married, with a house. Perhaps a child or a second one on the way and I’m over here single and following my heart’s desire. Then I’m reminded that everyone’s path in life is different and there’s no one way to do life. Just like there’s no “one-way” to approach a role.

I often tell my kids, and by kids I mean my students, stay off of social media, don’t compare yourselves to others. You’re beautiful just the way you are. While I am guilty of spending too much time on social media, I am however starting to build healthier habits revolving the online platforms. I am happy to report that as of perhaps a week ago or going on a week, I no longer sleep with my phone next to me. I can’t tell y’all how much better I’m sleeping these days (NYC street noises aside lol). I don’t wake up in a panic anymore during the middle of the night wondering what happened.

Still, sometimes I can’t help but wonder, especially as an actor, is it ever going to happen for me? Sure I could pay money that I’ve been saving for other things to a lot of the online teachers out there that guarantee a return on the investment provided we do the work, yet a part of me remains a skeptic; it shouldn’t have to cost thousands of dollars to have your brand evaluated. I’m always curious to where exactly that money goes, maybe I’ve been teaching too long but if I’m paying you money to help me develop my brand what’s being invested back into me. $500 for one hour, not even therapists charge that much. I digress…enough about the unethical things that go on in this industry.

I promised myself this year that I would seek God first and foremost. I have said these words before but never have I ever sat down with a bible study guide and my actual bible, which I had to re-purchase since I left mine back in Texas. I prayed for guidance in my writings, (funny business it wasn’t actually out loud but I have been asking God for strength to continue blogging). So here I am post bible study when I stumbled upon this scripture from the Book of James that says…”Consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds. Because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let the perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:1-9, NIV). Let’s read this one again…the purpose of our trials is so that we lack NOTHING! Meaning, if we’re children of the highest God, (and I need to remember this too) then we shouldn’t be looking to our left or right or spending countless hours on social media. Instead, it’s our own personal race with God. The more I seek God, the less I actually care about what anyone else thinks (not that I cared that much before). This particular chapter in the book of Jame also goes on to say, “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive a crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him (James 1:12).

I’m not sure who I’m writing this for, but this subject has been weighing heavy on me for days. If you’re anything like me then you too might be extremely impatient and struggling to find the will to keep going. If so, friends may I encourage you that we must keep going if we’re ever going to see our promise or what we’re believing God to do in our lives? The bible also says in Galatians 6:9, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” For the non-spiritually inclined, I’m also reminded of the phrase, “nothing worth having is ever easy.”

At the moment I’m reminded of Joseph, who I plan to study further but from what I understand thus far, this is a guy who had MANY trials and tribulations, his own brothers sold him for slavery. Who does that, crazy right? The good news is what we can learn from Joseph is that he chose to forgive his brothers, didn’t even think twice to judge them and God used Joseph in a great way. In fact, most of the people that God used we considered the underdog but went onto accomplish wonderful things. David defeated Goliath. Sarah (my namesake) had a child at 80 yrs old! The impossible IS possible with God! Just because we haven’t seen it yet doesn’t mean that it isn’t on its way; it is only a matter of time before we see prayers being answered.

I’ve never concluded an entry post in prayer but I feel we all need this…

Lord, I pray that those who are reading this right now, (including me writing it, which took all my strength to write today and be vulnerable) that we would feel your love and presence with us this week. Let us know that you haven’t given up on us, may we find renewed strength within that we didn’t know we had to continue on the journey that you’ve set out for us. May we continue to run and not grow weary because your word says that if we diligently seek after you in due time we shall reap a harvest. May we grow to learn the right way to “wait” with the right type of attitude, one of joy and hope. If you’ve brought us through before then Lord I know you can and will do it again. Lord I declare defeat against anxiety and depression, it has to go! Your word says, “Do NOT be anxious about anything, but in every situation, PRAY.” (ok it’s not in caps, I added that.) (Phil 4:6)

Father, I also lift up all those that are hurting or facing some sort of loss, Lord I know you see them and you know them by name please watch over them and comfort them with the peace that surpasses all knowing that only you can provide. May they sleep through the night and rest in peace knowing that “all present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed” (Romans 8:18)…because your word says, “All things work together for our good for those who love him” (Romans 8:28). Your word also says that you’re a father to the fatherless and that, “you’re closer to the brokenhearted or crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18), may they feel your love and tenderness especially this week. That being said, I pray for not only the Bryant family but also the other families that were affected by the helicopter crash a week ago.

Lord, lastly I pray for all the less fortunate, my enemies, all those who hate and despise me, please continue to bless them as well.

Thank you God, that blessings are on the way. Thank you that the answers we seek are on the way, I know you’re with us now more than ever, we ask all of this in your name, amen.
