I perhaps say this more than I care to count or start off my entries with my overly used phrase, “is it just me or” but if you will indulge me, it’s going to be good! Is anyone else feeling like they’re constantly being tested? Is it the fact that I’m in NYC and it can be an extremely lonely place? Is it the weather? Although, today was beautiful outside. I could also use the fact that hormones are looming and as a result, my mood is in a constant state of flux the past couple of months but instead, while I can’t figure out what’s going on with me, I am going to pray. I am also going to take ownership of my feelings and not let my emotions get the best of me. Or depending on where you’re at, maybe you let go of the thing you’re allowing to have a hold on your life.

I’ll never forget when I was in high school, I would attend bible study with my swim coach during my lunch breaks and I’ll always be grateful to him. (I should perhaps apologize to him one day for having a potty mouth then lol. But that also hasn’t changed. I pray for deliverance every day). I digress, but we were studying the book of Matthew (5:30), when we read, “And if the right-hand causes you to sin then cut it off.” I’m not saying to take this to the extreme but what this scripture is telling us is that if there’s something that is clogging our connection to God then we need to examine our lives and figure out what’s stealing our peace and joy.

Friends, I must confess that I’ve been addicted to social media lately, mostly Instagram. I recognized that I was comparing even when I wasn’t being intentional with it. I’d see someone’s recent engagement picture or an acquaintance’s recent TV/Film booking and yes while I was happy I would also think, “but what about me God?”, where is my blessing? The truth of the matter is, I wasn’t staying happy with what I’ve been given or where I’m at in life. I am destined and designed to run my OWN race, which means what’s for me, with my name on it will come on its own time.

More importantly, sometimes there may be danger ahead so if we’re waiting longer than normal that could be one reason. Or imagine we’re the cake and God is the baker, maybe we just need a little more cooking or baking until we’re “ready” for the appointed time for our blessings. Then again sometimes God may be testing on us deliberately to test our hearts. Sometimes our situations don’t change until we do.

In just 24 hours without Instagram can I tell you how peaceful I feel? I’m not certain if the weight of the world was something I brought upon myself by constantly just scrolling without realizing that I was subconsciously scrolling. Oh look, so & so is living their best life when I just invited them out, (separate subject) but also they don’t owe me the obligation to “hang-out”. Maybe I’m old school and I was raised by a generation that always taught me to check on people and reality these days just isn’t so. We are living in a time of the “it’s all about me, me, me” culture & yes self-care is important but too much of “me” doesn’t leave enough room for God/the universe to do its job.

And so what I’m learning is that I needed to do a social-media fast and detox myself from things and perhaps people that no longer serve me. Not that I would ever desire anything in return from someone but I have a lot to give and if that isn’t valued or respected then it’s time to cut my losses and move on. There’s no need for confrontation or argument but peacefully continue marching to the beat of my own drum and love from afar.

What I’m saying is this, perhaps the burdens we carry are self-imposed. Perhaps life is just doing what it does best which is always throwing us a curveball just when we thought we had it “figured out”. The reality my dear friends is we were never meant to figure it out. We were meant to enjoy it along the way, including the hard times too. I’d like to think I’m better about “dancing in the rain” but I’m human and while I’m not yet a master of my own life craft I can say I’m better about recognizing when I need to spend more time with God.

For my non-spiritual friends, can I still encourage you? Thanks for staying with me. I feel as though y’all get a lot of slack from the “church” or from other “Christians” and while it’s not in my place to apologize for the judgment they place on you but I will do it anyway, I’m sorry! That is not the love that I know. Can I tell you that I love you? Yes, YOU! I don’t know you but I do know that Christ was friends with EVERYONE. Love knows no boundaries, skin color, social class, nor does it care about your bank account. As long as you respect all of me (and I’m a lot lol) then I will always respect you. We may not always agree but I’m sure there are things we can learn from one another. That being said if the universe has been dragging you down, stay encouraged! The breakthrough and whatever it is your believing for will come to pass!

You might say, this is all great Dr. S but how can you be so sure? I’m not sure of anything really, even in my own research that I work on has the ability to be disproven. So what can we rely on when we aren’t sure if we can rely on anything at all? The belief that we CAN get through whatever comes our way! The important thing to ask ourselves is: what is this moment in my life trying to teach me? What can I learn from this? Surrender and then trust that things will work out. Is there something we can change? If yes then let’s get serious and stay disciplined about making those changes. If not, there’s only so much that we can control within our reach anyway so why worry?

Dark times were never meant to last, but consider that perhaps if things are gloomy right now, you’re in a season of plowing. Crops themselves do not grow without rain. Our harvest is coming, it HAS to!

Scriptures for encouragement: Romans 8:31 “…If God is for us who dare be against us” (also a great song by Chris Tomlin, “Our God”, oh my gosh such a GREAT song. Tip: Praise ALWAYS precedes the victory). Let’s lift up our hearts and as we lift up our voices may the blessings come back down (And they will).

Take comfort dear hearts, “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” – Isaiah 40:29

Our answers may not come overnight but trust that in time we will come to find the reason for our current season. Someday no matter what you’re facing you’ll look back on this moment and think to yourself, why was I stressing so much? Perhaps you’ll laugh or look back and marvel at how far you’ve come. Let’s remember to, “set your minds on the things above, not on earthly things.” (Colossians 3:2). And for the non-believer, train your mind in the direction you want it to go!

Lastly, if you’re struggling with social media, let me encourage us both, “Avoid Godless chatter because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly.” (2 Tim 2:16). This also goes back to making sure we’re filling ourselves and hearts with good things, not gossip or negativity. It’s not good for anyone, least of all ourselves.

The keyword here is: PATIENCE

Trust me I know this lesson all too well & I’m still learning. We’re in this together! But most of all let’s remember to be patient with ourselves!

Sarah CeballosComment