Be Happy Now

In today’s incredibly challenging times to say the lease, I know that it’s hard to find the silver lining or something to be grateful for. However, if as I mentioned in my previous blog, we are being given a gift even if it requires digging a little deeper. It would be easy to keep things on a superficial level, but that’s also how we can overlook things easily, that we miss the beauty of the moment we’re in. Often I find that when I thank God/the universe for what I do have, I realized I have it all. I have more than I could ever want or ask for. Friends, I cannot stress the importance of waking up every morning at being thankful that you still can. This year has been met with so much loss and if there’s one thing we should be happy for, it’s being happy to be alive! Being alive it a special occasion.

According to the Oxford Dictionary (2020), “faith is defined as complete trust in someone or something.” I will also add its belief in someone or something without evidence. For the logos types I understand life and science go hand and hand and for those of you that need proof to believe, what if the results in your own life whether it’s good or bad were proof that life always has a way of working itself out, so why worry? As a social scientist myself I catch myself always wanting evidence but life is just not that simple, I wish it were always so clear cut and dry and easy. But then again how boring is being predictable? I’m learning that I like life’s mysteries or detours more, it keeps things interesting and more importantly, it keeps me on my toes, so it’s as if I can never become complacent.

The following will include scriptures from the good book, and allow me to state that I am not using God’s word to my advantage but rather the “proof” of what faith can do. I will also say that I never judge folks for not thinking or believing as I do. On the contrary, it is those different perspectives that allow me to see life through different filters and it’s wonderful. I understand the hypocrisy that the church often causes, yet, I personally do not subscribe to one religion, I struggle a lot with “organized religion”. There was a time where I often felt misunderstood, in fact, that’s been my whole life. Inevitably, my faith & spirituality is what has seen me through the darkest moments of my life, including when I was depressed and suicidal. I believe in Jesus Christ and I believe that we should always love our neighbor as ourselves. Christ was often judged the most and persecuted the most. In fact, he was the one who surrounded himself the most with both saints AND sinners. A friend to all if you will, he remained a beacon of love and light. Something we should all aspire too, even if you do not believe in Christ, I do feel we should all be extending love towards one another. I believe there is something to learn from all faiths or belief systems. I believe in grace, I believe in taking the time to understand something before jumping to conclusions. I have three rules in my life and that is don’t kill someone, don’t lie or cheat, and finally, perhaps the more important one, don’t be an a**hole. There’s no room for dishonesty in my life. If we look to other “faiths” throughout them all, there is a common theme of love, and doing unto others as you would have done unto you, therefore, no matter what you believe there is a universal truth that what you sow is also what you reap. It’s important to plant good soil. Especially now it’s absolutely vital to remain hopeful in the darkest of situations. How will we make it through if we’re always looking at what’s going wrong?

Are you still with me? Great! Let’s keep an open mind…if you have a bible or perhaps the Google machine in front of you, I begin with (Mark 5:25-34) where Jesus healed a dying woman who spent 12 years bleeding and under the care of doctors but nothing had made her well, instead, she continued to grow worse. She thought to herself, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” (Mark 5:28) Jesus answered back, “who touched my clothes?” (Mark 5:30). The dying woman then fell at his feet and finally, Jesus said, “Daughter your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” (Mark 5:34) How amazing is that? He didn’t discriminate, he saw beyond her persecutors and helped her anyway.

In the book of Luke chapter 17 verse 19, we find Jesus healing a man with Leprosy, there were 10, the majority called out, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” (Luke 17:13). As Jesus saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went they were cleansed (verse 14). Yet there was one that did not get cleansed or healed, the bible goes on to say that the one left behind came in praising God, which in the end Jesus said, “Rise & go, your faith has made you well.” (Luke 17:19). A couple of things here, if we look towards Christ through the lens of leadership, he didn’t leave anyone behind and he certainly did not discriminate. Something we all ought to not do. You don’t have to understand someone else, nor do they have to think like you or look like you in order to love them. This also another example that someone’s beliefs made them whole. Christ aside, this also illustrative of mindset. If a sick man can keep the faith or stay positive while he was sick, how much more can those of us who are in good health stay in good spirits?

Finally, my last example can be found in Hebrews 11:7-11. At the beginning of chapter 11, there is another definition of faith. Again religion or spirituality aside, even if we can just view faith as it is defined here as, “Confidence in what we hope for and assurance about we do not see.” this can also be how we define our positive thoughts or vibes. In verse 7, the bible talks about how Noah build his ark when he was warned about things he had not yet seen. How often in life does God or the universe speak to us? How often do we lean into silence or pay attention to signs that try to warn us? I know that when I was younger, I’ll just use this one relationship I was in as an example, it was extremely toxic and there were SEVERAL warning signs yet I chose to ignore them. Looking back if I wasn’t so prideful or had this blind belief that it would work out I could have saved myself so much pain and suffering. I also can’t say it was entirely that person’s fault and I don’t regret it but I will also say this also where self-love and knowing your worth comes into play. Faith in ourselves too, knowing that we deserve better. Faith that we learn to know which situations work for us and situations that don’t. Listening to our body and vibes, that gut feeling to know when something is off or when it doesn’t feel right. If I had been stronger to walker away and heal from other wounds inflicted during childhood such as my grief and being bullied as a kid, I probably would have valued myself more to find a healthier relationship. Mental health is important. Healing is important! I know sometimes our trauma shows, but we have to acknowledge it and try to heal so we then don’t in turn go and harm someone else unintentionally. Scripture continues by using the example of Abraham, who was called to a place where he would later receive his inheritance, obeyed, and went, even though he did not know where he was going. By faith, he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country. (Luke 11:8-9). I remember coming to New York blindly, I didn’t know what would happen but little did I know, I’d go to the Tony’s, teach at one of the world’s best institutions, be on set with one of the film industry’s leading directors and so many other wonderful things that have happened here for me in New York. Make no mistake about it, there have been hardships, there have been tests and there has been many days of doubt, BUT had I not come here I would have been filled with much more regret. Friends, what if we just chose to believe big for our lives? What if we just believed as I mentioned in my last blog, again faith aside but what if science and Newton are correct in that while there are many things coming against us, there is the equal amount if not, a greater amount of things yet to come? I don’t know if I ever shared that my mom really admired “Sarah” from the bible, which is who I am named after. The woman represented all things related to perseverance. In verse 11, “Sarah” who was unable to bear children believed that she would one day and she did, well beyond the years of childbearing. Sometimes when I feel like I can’t go on, I think about my namesake and what she represents and I think to myself, “Well if “Sarah” can do it, then so can I!”

We NEED to be happy now. Of course, God or the universe would never allow bad things to happen intentionally. That’s now how these things work, unfortunately, life does happen and there are leaders in place that could have prevented all of this but it does us no good to look at the coulda, woulda, shoulda, the only thing that matters is the now, how are we making the most of this time? What are we doing to keep not only ourselves healthy and protected but also our neighbors too? How are we staying grateful for what we do have? I used the above-referenced scriptures for two reasons: they are examples of “faith” (as previously defined) making people whole and lastly, they are examples of how the story ends. So that must mean there’s a victory in store for us, so we need to not worry and enjoy the now! We also see throughout these scriptures of what leadership should look like. I’ll save my grievances of what I think leadership should look like, although as a Doctor of leadership it’s hard for me to not be vocal about it since it’s one my many passions. When you know what’s right and so much of what’s in place at the moment is wrong it’s infuriating, lol. That’s not the point of today’s lesson, but rather if we know what’s wrong and what we ought to do, then let’s be good stewards of practicing gratefulness, kindness, hope & love. More importantly, I conclude with Romans 8:28 which says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” How reassuring is that!? My gosh, I get so excited when I think about how God or the universe will work ALL of this out for our good.

How many times have we felt like we couldn’t go on, but we did? How many times did we make it? How many times did we jump into something when we didn’t know how it would work but it did? How many times have we believed in ourselves when no one else did? How many times has “faith” or the belief in a positive outcome, lead to happy results? The answer is, many times! We do not have to be defined by our past including our mistakes but rather let’s look to them of how to press forward and be happy now.

That feeling of being stuck is only that way if you choose to believe that. I’ve always believed in making the impossible, possible, it’s called action. Putting my faith into gear, or when I don’t know something I look it up. This is also how I approach my acting, I try one objective, well that didn’t work…take two! How great is the life that we get SO many chances to try and try again? I could have very easily have stayed in bed today, I tackled some errands yesterday & I thank God I had the energy too. So today I woke up early on my own and I couldn’t wait to get my day started even though my body said 30 more minutes. Friends, I’ll be honest right now I do have some anxiety in my chest but after I finish this and choose to stay happy today, I’m going to move! What am I getting at? Stay active. It helps channel your feelings in a positive way and exercise or even just walking helps to create endorphins. Endorphins keep us happy and shake away all that anger and frustration so many are feeling right now. For me, it helps me to think clearly and not cloud my judgment by temporary emotions. I prayed this morning, and I’m leaving it up to God/ the universe to work it all out and you know what? I totally and wholeheartedly believe something good, possibly great is coming our way!

So often, it’s how we wait or choose to make the most of our time that determines the course in which our lives will go. Attitude is everything! How are you “waiting”? What are you choosing? It’s better to find something to be happy about, it consumes less energy than being angry. Anger often leads to stress and if there’s anything that acting has taught me when I analyze characters, I ask myself, “why are they angry?” It’s the same way in life, if you can’t afford therapy, you can afford a journal I’m sure. If you can’t afford that, then just find an old notebook or a sheet of paper and just ask yourself, what am I feeling? Why am I feeling this? What can I do to change that? How can I make the most of this time? Is there someone I can reach out to for help? Is there a mentor I can ask for help? Am I willing to feel my feelings and get through the bad stuff in order to get through the good stuff? You are NOT alone in this world. I know it feels that way but hey there is a big force out there BIGGER than this virus, for me, it’s God, for others it’s the universe. Look to them for guidance! They will always direct you in the way you should go! Be happy now!


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